Common Web Design Mistakes Your Blog Should Avoid

No one can deny that the internet has played a big factor to the success of many businesses. Not only has it helped them reach a broader market but also offered new ways to market their product. Blogging is one tool they use in able for them to capture the attention of their prospective buyers. The better and more influential a blog is, the better the chances of you sending your message to your intended audience.

The success of a blog relies on its content. But one thing some new bloggers overlook is its web design. Are you aware of the common web design mistakes bloggers should avoid? Read on.


Photo Credit: via Pinterest

Poor Readability and Legibility

No matter how good your page is, if nobody can read it – it is useless. People need to be able to read your article in order for them to fully understand and grasp the information you are trying to send. Stay away from those bizarre font designs and take note of the text size. Not everyone has that 20/20 vision. Also, be wary of the font color. It should not blend in with the color of your background. Try reading a blue font in a black backdrop and you will get what I mean. The most common theme most blogs have is light backgrounds with dark fonts or dark backgrounds with white fonts for readability.

Too much of anything

Use of an image is good in catching the attention of your reader but excessive use of it would just give you the opposite result. Using too much of it would just annoy the users instead of helping them see the better picture. It is just the same as too much words in a blog, boring and dragging – no one would want that. Make sure it is a perfect mixture of images and texts to have enough substantial web content.  It’s like getting broadband plans from Compare Broadband Australia. The simpler it is, the better.

Unorganized content and layout

The content of a blog is the make or break factor of your site. A good content will keep and increase your follower and an insignificant one would just drive them away.  If your site is inaccessible, cluttered and unorganized, people would not waste their time figuring things out as it is human nature to choose the things which would be less trouble for them.

Just remember, in making blogs keep it simple, easy to use and understand. It should be “reader-friendly”. Yes, being creative is good and would set you apart from the others but be careful not to overdo it.

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